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expression opinion

Name: Muhammad Alif Nurrahman

Class: XI MIPA 7
1. Topic : Expressing Opinion
Objective : Developing dialog
Complete the following dialog then practice with peers.
1. Children should spend more time at school
Gary         : I believe that children should study more than playing.
Anna         : I couldn’t agree more. They will be better if they are balanced in play and learning.
Gary         : I think that not nice if children more playing than study because they must  add       knowledge by studying.
Anna         : The way I see is that children learn more social and motor skills from playing than studying, the more you play, the more you learn and the happier you will be. Children who spend more time studying than playing are more likely to not have friends and that will cause them to develop social problems in life. Besides, playing is fun.
Gary          : Yes I agree. What in my mind is we have so much science to use to help ourselves construct better education for our children. Why don't we use it? Why not construct classroom activities and homework in a way that naturally stimulates children's dopamine, serotonin, and other happy chemicals, that engages them and makes their happiest, favorite activity learning?
Anna         : From my point of view being children is the best time of your life. Because you have energy to do everything. Obviously studying is also important for them to develop their minds ,however only studying won’t show any results it will only make children hate studying. Every children has rights to play and have fun because in the future there will be time to study but won’t be time to play .And when they grow up they will have a lot of good memories that will make him or her feel happy. Playing games with friends also will improve the way he or she communicate.

2. Students must not bring mobile phone to school.
Danny               : As far I am concerned, the benefit of bringing mobile phone to school is    unnecessary.
            Martha               : What make you say that?
Danny               : I think School isn't for social stuff... That's what home and Facebook is for. School is for learning.
Martha              : I think it’s nice if Teachers like to get through the lesson in a timely manner, students being able to quickly log on to educational websites. I think things like smartphones should definitely be allowed for educational purposes!
Danny               : What I have in my mind is phone make distraction. That's not what they are doing on their phones in class. They're watching YouTube videos, texting, on Facebook, playing games. This causes a distraction to both the teacher and the other students.
Martha              : Not everyone will agree with me, but students need to learn responsibility and if we keep forbidding them from different things because they are a 'distraction' or are 'misused' then how do you expect these students to learn responsibility and maturity. Phones also are a necessity, when you have a child that has faced an emergency during school or even while walking to and from school, how are you going to know.
Danny               : From my point of view, mobile phone has good and bad effect. We have to be smart when we use it.

2. Topic            : Expressing opinion
Objective          : Completing sentences using opinion expression
Fill in the blanks using the opinion expressions given in the box below :  
Totally agree, opinion, am concerned, strongly believe, believe that, strongly.

1.      I strongly with you.
2.      It is all right if you don’t agree with me but I have every right
to my opinion.
3.      As far as I am concerned , I will not support bullying in my school.
4.      I am totally agree that medical care should be free for everyone.
5.      Some people believe that eating fish and yogurt at the sametime causes severe skin disease.
6.      I feel quite strongly believe about this issue


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. . . . . . . . . . . FLOOD . . . . . . . . . .

Muhammad Alif Nurrahman


 My opinion about the picture is a bad scenery be an eyesore to us who see it because the flood is very disturbing society. One of them interfere with school activities. because the floods can be stuck in traffic longer than usual. Sometimes even coming late to school because of congestion is more severe. Floods that inundated the streets can make wet shoes. concentration learning can be interrupted for less comfortable with the state of wet shoes.

Can be seen from the photograph car must be careful in passing the flood because there may be a street damaged or perforated contained in there. Torrential flooding can disrupt the balance in driving. Homes affected by floods make the owner must keep goods in a safe place so as not to wet and broken by floods.

In my opinion this is caused because the public indifference about the importance of the environment and therefore we as a society to protect and preserve the environment in order to avoid flooding.


Flooding occurs because of several factors as follows:

1. Blockage of the watershed or sewers

This blockage occurs because people used to throw garbage in the river. They assume that if the waste is burned, it will cause air pollution and odor. So they take shortcuts without thinking about cause and effect.

These blockages also occur due to sedimentation or precipitation that occurs downstream. This reduces the deposition of the river's ability to hold water.

2. Deforestation

Human attitude did not think long before acting, cause man to act arbitrarily on the environment. These actions may include logging which do not use selective logging system. The impact is the lack of trees to absorb water so that the water flowing uncontrollably.

3. The high rainfall

Rainfall is relatively high, causing rivers can not accommodate the volume of water that exceeds the capacity.

4. Small absorptive area

In modern times this time, the catchment area is very rare. Especially in urban areas are basically very vulnerable to flooding, given the condition of the city located in the lowlands. Just a lot of absorptive area covered by asphalt or the concrete so that water can not seep into the soil.

5. Establishment of houses along the river

People who set up home on the edge of the river, tend to reduce the width of the river. With the reduction of the width of the river, causing water to flow optimally.


While the impact or due to flooding include the following:

1. Damage to facilities and infrastructure

Particles entering the water pooled on the wall of the building, if the walls are not able to withstand the water content of the wall will suffer cracks and eventually broken.

2. The loss of possessions

Large-scale floods in the stream was able to drag anything in its path, including possessions. Such as chairs, beds, tables, clothes, and so forth.

3. Potential casualties

This is because the water flow is too heavy, so many people were washed away.

4. Cause of germs

Diseases that can be caused, for example itching. The flood waters brought many of the germs that spread of disease is very large.

5. The destruction of agricultural areas

Flood able to submerge paddy fields. Of course this is extremely detrimental to the farmers and the country's economy to be disturbed.


To cope with flooding, it is necessary countermeasures as follows:

1. Optimization of the river or ditch

River or ditch should be maintained and used properly. River or ditch not to landfills. Cleanliness of the water and swift currents to be monitored at all times just to observe if at any time there was a flood.

2. Prohibition of making houses along the river

Land on the outskirts of the river should not be used as residential areas. Besides causing floods, as well as public order patterns become irregular.

3. Carry out selective logging and reforestation program

A felled tree should have been replaced. Cutting down trees that have woody shoots back then planting new trees. It aims to regenerate the forest from being deforested.

4. Using a simple flood detector

To monitor for signs of flooding, we need a flood detector. The detector is made simple so that people can afford to make.

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